Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016

Palenque - Bienvenidos a Mexico

After two weeks in Guatemala we leave with mixed feelings: We had some amazing days with great sites and nature – but on the other hand security is a big issue, prices are very high and tourism is canalized. So we’re very happy and excited to enter the next country: MEXICO!!

At the border our luggage gets controlled TWICE by dogs – we never witnessed that before and it’s very interesting – but no pictures allowed ;-) 

Our first stop is Palenque and we have a great first dinner in town. WOOOWWW, the food is sooo good!!

Palenque is small and relaxed. Here’s the main Plaza.

And of course, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The main attraction of Palenque are the ruins. The site is way smaller than Tikal, but nevertheless very famous: It contains some of the finest architecture, sculptures, roof comb and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced.

As in Tikal, one can climb up the temples and enjoy great views!


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