Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

Isla de Ometepe

After we've spent the first few days with the whole family, we went to the Isla de Ometepe on our own. This trip includes a boat ride on the Lago de Nicaragua. But as the wind grows strong, the lake turns into a Sea!

Here you can see the island with its two Volcanos
On our way with the ferry

We had a pick-up arriving at the island. Can you read the name?
We had a lovely hotel with a private lagoon and wonderful views

We went to explore the island by bikes and went to El Ojo de Agua, a beautiful, ancient lagoon

Here's our little bird friend, it was hungry!

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

die beiden Fotos mit dem Bus und der Person Meer sowie dem Steg sind hammermässig. Die Stimmung und der Inhalt!
Hatte ne ganz andere Vorstellung von allem!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hey couple swise.machine!!!!
Non- stop dude!!!!.

Os deseo una feliz navidad a cada uno, disfrutad!!!!!!!!!.

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hey swise-machine!!!!
Youre on fire dude!!!!!.

Me alegro que estéis imparables, pasad una muy buena navidad y disfrutad mucho de cada uno de todos los pequeños detalles.
Os quiero, Gus.