After some intense days in Siem Reap we head to Kratie, a small town at the Mekong in the east of Cambodia. It's really laidback...
Vis-à-vis Kratie lies Khao Trong, a small island we went to explore - rural Cambodian life!
The main reason to come to Kratie is that nearby the rare Irrawaddy Dolphins can be spotted. Usually, they live near coasts, river mouths and in estuaries. But they also have established subpopulations in freshwater rivers, including the Ganges or Mekong. Optically the Irrawaddy dolphin is similar to the beluga - it has a large melon and a blunt, rounded head, and the beak is indistinct. Like with many other animals, the population of the dolphins is diminishing, mainly because of mankind.
In Kratie they offer a great kayaking-tour to spot the dolphins - we're in :-) First we drive up 20 km north and then kayak on the Mekong... We're just 7 persons and a guide, 4 boats...
... it's beautiful to kayak here!
A lonely, very beautiful water buffalo...
Then we do a nice break on a sandbar...
... and even have a cooling swim in the Mekong :-)
Then we continue to get near the dolphins. The way down there is really fun and beautiful.
And then we arrive at the bassin where the dolphins are - and we get lucky!! We see at least 4-6 of them! Here you have an exemplary shot as we did not try to take pictures. They just come up really quick to breath and you only see them for 2-3 seconds... A great experience to have seen them!