Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

Honduras – Copán Ruinas and Copán Archaeological Site

After a quite easy but long bus ride we cross the border from Nicaragua to Honduras at Las Manos. We decide to cherry-pick in Honduras in order to have enough time for the upcoming countries. We go directly to Copán Ruinas – a quiet, lovely and small highland town. 

We must confess we don’t like the climate too much here. It’s windy and coldish. But there is the amazing Copán Archaeological Site – one of the most important trading towns of the Mayas (250 AD). It only got rediscovered 200 years ago. And surprisingly just few international tourists come to visit this special and impressive site. Check out for yourself…

As there are some bird feeding grounds, a lot of macaws are flying around. They are used to humans so you can get real close.

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