Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017

Hua Hin - Family Time in Thailand

So here we are in Hua Hin, visiting Noëmi's dad Gerd who lives here - it's not a condo, it's an appartment - and we have a vacation within our journey :-) The privat pool is our new best friend...

... as is Kao...

It's great to have family aroud, living a daily holiday dream. Papa Gerd is spoiling us with goodies from all over the world!!! We enjoy nice european breakfasts together... Sharing our swiss habits ;-)

... and also cook yummie super fresh dinners...

It's a very beautiful surrounding, sunsets included!

We have two great weeks together of familiarity, evolving great rituals as the swimm before breakfast, enjoying great enlarged breakfasts or just enjoying a sophisticated cold beer or a great wine - we already miss you all there in Hua Hin!! But see you soon!!!

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