Montag, 10. April 2017

Phong Nha & Ke Bang National Park

We arrive in Phong Nha in the middle of the night around 4 or 5 in the morning. Luckely, we prebooked a room and our homestay-manager picks us up - wow!

Our homestay is out of town, so it's really calm and relaxing :-) And as you can see, weather is great now!

We rent a scooter and go discover the Ke Band National Park...

A real highlight is the Paradise Cave, which only has been discovered a few years ago. It's over 25km long!! For now, "only" 1km is open to the public. What a beautiful cave! It's so huge and has unbelievable formations...

The next day, two more caves are on our program, the first being the Phong Nha Cave. It starts with a nice boatride along the river...

...and the boat actually enters the cave - it's a "water-cave"!

There's also a part of the cave which is walkable...


For the sporty ones, there also is a way up to the Dong Tien Son Cave. You are rewarded with great views!

Here we are at the entrance of the cave - it's also a "walkable" cave...

Phong Nha really is the place for caves. There are many more caves, but access is quite exclusive. There's one cave with a waiting list of a year and the tour costs 3'000 US dollars!! We are happy with the three caves we've seen and they are all beautiful in their own way.

For our next destination (Hue) we again travel in a sleeper bus - but this time it's daytime :-)

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